A warm Bamboo Massage is deep tissue treatment that uses warm bamboo sticks and tools to work right into the muscles. A stick or rod is rolled and kneaded on the body to provide an amazing massage experience with amazing results. The heat from the sticks provide warmth and enables deeper body work to be done. The Bamboo tools and sticks come in various sizes meaning different parts of the body can be worked on including the face with smaller, thinner ones. This kind of massage is equivalent to deep tissue massage which I do not offer as one of my therapies for a reason. At Bliss-Holistic Therapies I like to offer treatments that are a little bit different and interesting. The Bamboo sticks are used as a tool to help warm up the muscles so that a deep tissue massage can be done both with the hands and of course the Bamboo tools. It gets out the tightest of knots and literally rolls out all of the tension. This method of massage has been widely used in Asian countries such as China, Indonesia and Japan, it is a relatively new kind of treatment in Europe but is now becoming more popular worldwide. Hollow Bamboo sticks, tools or stalks of all different widths, lengths and weights are used for this amazing treatment. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on Earth and is used for a wide range of things such as medicine, food, weaponry, health and beauty products, clothing, musical instruments, kitchenware, furniture and more! It can literally be turned into anything! Due to Bamboo being so natural filled with lots of the Earth's goodness, that is what makes it so perfect for massage treatments and has many benefits.. Relief from pain and muscle spasms Blood flow improvement Increase of blood circulation Increase of energy Flexibility improvement Releases toxins Improves skin appearance Reducing stress and tension Relieves anxiety and depression Promotes sleep Provides comfort due to the warmth and touch Relaxes the mind Improves Irritability Sending you into a deep relaxed state emotionally Enables a deep tissue massage with an interesting twist Like all Holistic Therapies the benefits are endless. A Warm Bamboo Massage at Bliss is a wonderful way to promote natural healing around the body and to relax the mind, body and soul together. Unfortunately we may be unable to offer a Warm Bamboo Massage to people who suffer severely with the following.. (please contact us though for more information as we still may be able to offer treatment)
Diabetes high blood pressure Varicose Veins open/recent wounds inflamed skin/skin conditions recent surgery Cancer take blood thinners have heart disease Epilepsy Autoimmune conditions skin disease and conditions Eczema pregnancy Osteoporosis broken bones contagious disease and infections undiagnosed lumps and bumps raised moles and skin tags bruising sunburn Psoriasis Angina and other heart conditions Bliss Holistic Healing xx Comments are closed.
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